This document summarises all the symbols of a Mmuock alphabet.
You may want to look at sample phrases. A wall chart is available for letters of the alphabet.
Letters of a Mmuock alphabet
A Mmuock alphabet: The Letters
letter | a | b | c | d | dz |
capital | A | B | C | D | Dz |
sound | [a] | [b] | [t͡ʃ] | [d] | [d͡z] |
example | Ṗāa bag | Bekéq beans | Ċœah a hat | Nděm God | Ndzěm darkness |
letter | e | f | g | h | i |
capital | E | F | G | H | I |
sound | [ǝ] | [f] | [ɡ] | [h]/[ʔ] | [i] |
example | Mbēm a grain | Fong a cow | Ngěq a gun | hā here | Kihnamesake |
letter | j | k | l | m | n |
capital | J | K | L | M | N |
sound | [ǰ] | [k] | [l] | [m] | [n] |
example | Njiè clothing | Kěq a bed | Lekǎ a whistle | Mbā a residence | Nēq sunlight |
letter | ñ | gn (ŋ, ng) | æ | ir (ɛ) | r |
capital | Ñ | Gn (Ŋ, Ng) | Æ | Ir (Ɛ) | R |
sound | [ɲ] | [ŋ] | [ɛ] | [ɪ] | [ɐ] |
example | Ñiā an animal | Gnēq a person | Pǣ people | lèlɛ̄ to hide | lèqœr̄to go |
letter | er | ø (or) | š | o | œ |
capital | Er | Ø (Or) | Š | O | Œ |
sound | [ɘ] | [ɯ] | [ʃ] | [ɔ] | [ɨ] |
example | Ḟera leaf | Ṫǿ a drum | Šià a market | Ndóng a cup | Lœé ants |
letter | p | pf | ow | q | ur |
capital | P | Pf | Ow | Q | Ur |
sound | [p] | [p͡f] | [o] | [ɣ] | [ɜ] |
example | Ṗā a bag | Lepfér the sky | ow yes | Qemlē a fig tree | lèsūrh[mm] to come |
letter | ar (ǝ) | s | t | ts | u |
capital | Ar (Ǝ) | S | T | Ts | U |
sound | [e] | [s] | [t] | [t͡s] | [u] |
example | pǝ̣̀ǝ̄ that way | Sǽ an elephant | Tǎ dad | Ṫsér a head | Q̇u an illness |
letter | v | w | x | y | z |
capital | V | W | X | Y | Z |
sound | [v] | [w] | [ʒ] | [j] | [z] |
example | Válé disorder | Ẇáhepilepsy | Ẋúóh a yam | Ẏǐk odour | Żéqa thing |
A note on alternative letters (allographs)
Some "letters" (symbols) can be writtten in more than one way. In the table above, some of the alternatives are written within brackets. A complete list follows:
- 〈ng〉 for 〈gn〉 after a single vowel letter. If 〈ng〉 should not mean 〈ŋ〉, then 〈n'g〉 is used. This is mandatory.
- 〈ŋ〉 for 〈gn〉 and 〈ng〉.
- 〈n〉 for 〈gn〉 if followed by 〈g〉 or 〈k〉
- 〈π〉 for 〈ŋ〉
- 〈ɛ〉 for 〈ir〉
- 〈ǝ〉 for 〈ar〉
- 〈or〉 for 〈ø〉
- 〈ae〉 for 〈æ〉
- 〈oe〉 for 〈œ〉
- 〈nh〉 for 〈ñ〉
- 〈sh〉 for 〈š〉
- 〈φ〉 for 〈ow〉
- 〈σ〉 for 〈er〉
- 〈ω〉 for 〈ur〉.
Notes on digraphs
- Some letters of the alphabet—including the alternatives— appear as if they consist of two other characters. The letters include 〈dz〉, 〈pf〉, 〈ow〉, 〈ts〉, 〈sh〉, etc. The two characters must always together be considered as one (digraph).
- Should a tone mark or other diacritic be placed on a digraph, the mark is placed on the first character of the digraph. For example, 〈έ〉 is also written as 〈ír〉 and 〈Ṧ〉 as 〈Ṡh〉.
- When only digraphs are used, we say that the alphabet is simplified.
A note on ⟨ow⟩
- Tone is indicated on o, for example: öw.
- ⟨ow⟩ normally is never followed by a vowel letter, except itself. Therefore, the letter combination ow, when followed by a vowel letter, does not represent ⟨ow⟩ but ⟨o⟩⟨w⟩.
- In the unlikely event that a vowel letter (e.g. 〈a〉) needs to follow ⟨ow⟩— there really are no examples of that happening—, a hypen must be placed between the letters, viz.: ow-a.
Tones of the Mmuock language
We will use letter 〈a〉 as example and indicate the tone on it.
A Mmuock alphabet: The Tones
No. | Notation | Example |
2 | (none) | pang the colour red |
0 | â or a0 |
pangpâng adjective: red
ndengndêng equally
1 | ā or a1 |
aPāa bag
«Te lā» Don't cry
Żøtē insult
lèpīto peel
Ngōng world
Fø̄ a ruler
Lešū a sack
3 | á or a3 |
Nkáp money
Njíé smoke
lèpí to become insane
Ngóng farming
lècú to descend
aLǽ blood
Ṫǿ a drum
Żá láThat one should cook it
ā́ or a3^ |
Żá lā́ That one will cook it
A le pá qā́ She blamed me
4 | à or a4 |
Tà! Guess it!
«Te là» Don't cook it
Njiè clothing
Kì! Take it!
pò they
Mù a child
Tø̀ a stone |
5 | aà or ǎ or a24 |
Tǎ a male parent
Nděm God
Ndǒng a lazy person
Mæ̌ a palace
Mǔ a female parent
Ṡø̌ a saw
6 | àā or å or a41 | ntå five |
7 | áa or ȧ or a32 | ndáa tå twenty-five francs |
8 | àá or a̋ or a43 | «A ta̋.» She has guessed it. |
9 | aá or ă or a23 | «Tă.» Do not return. |
10 | âà or ã or a04 |
Tǎ Tã the father of the father
«A lã.» She will cry.
11 | áā́ or ȁ or a33^ | «A le tȁ» She [overstayed and] did not return. |
12 | aâ or a͆ or ȃ or a20 | paâng Mbā red compound |
13 | aáā or a̐ or a̍ or a231 | Ya̐! interjection: shame on you! |
14 | àa or ä or a42 | A ndä túh She cooks it at night |
15 | àâ or a̽ or a40 | Ṫetàâ zè the courtyard is his
Compare to: Ṫetàa zè — his courtyard |
The Dot Above
The dot above a consonant letter (at the begining of a word) indicates that there is an elided [a] before the letter. When the dot is used, the 〈a〉 must not be written. Examples:
- Ċúh — a pestle
- Ḟāh — work
- K̇aī — a fence
- Ŀáq — the tongue
- Ṁalē — a free-flowing male garment
- Ṅā — a farming plot
- Ṗūh — the remainder
- Ṗfér — ash
- Gnāk — a quarrel
- Q̇ák — the throat
- Ṧúó — a hoe
- Ṫǎq — a prison term
- Ṫsér — a head
- Ẇáh — epilepsy
- Ẋúóh — a yam
- Ẏǐk — odour
- Żéq — a thing
Alternative symbol for the dot above
When a word starts with a capital letter, the dot above can be replaced with a small letter a. Examples:
- aCúh in place of Ċúh — a pestle
- aFāh in place of Ḟāh — work
- aKaī in place of K̇aī — a fence
- aLáq in place of Ŀáq — the tongue
- aMalē in place of Ṁalē — a free-flowing male garment
- aNā in place of Ṅā — a farming plot
- aPūh in place of Ṗūh — the remainder
- aPfér in place of Ṗfér — ash
- aGnāk in place of Gnāk — a quarrel
- aQák in place of Q̇ák — the throat
- aŠúó in place of Ṧúó — a hoe
- aTǎq in place of Ṫǎq — a prison term
- aTsér in place of Ṫsér — a head
- aWáh in place of Ẇáh — epilepsy
- aXúóh in place of Ẋúóh — a yam
- aYǐk in place of Ẏǐk — odour
- aZéq in place of Żéq — a thing
Symbols for the glottal stop
There are 3 different symbols that can be used interchangeably to indicate the glottal stop. These are:
- the “dot below”
- The apostrophe ', and
- the letter 〈h〉 (only sometimes).
The Dot below
The dot below a vowel letter indicates a glottal stop after the vowel.
Examples of the “dot below”:
- Mbạ —grass
- Kị —namesake
- «Tètsọ́ ñạ̀ šịtè» —please move it a little
- Pọ —mushroom
- lègnọ́ó —to bend
- Fǣ̣ —measurement
- pǝ̣̀ǝ̄ —(adverb) in that direction
The apostrophe
An apostrophe may be used instead of the “dot below”. Examples:
- Mba' —grass
- aLa'à —date
- Ki' —namesake
- «Tètsó' ñà' ši'tè» —please move it a little
- Po' —mushroom
- lègnó'ó —to bend
- Fǣ' —measurement
- pǝ̀'ǝ̄ —(adverb) in that direction
Letter 〈h〉
When the glottal stop is not followed by a vowel, 〈h〉 can be used instead of the dot and the apostrophe. That happens when the stop is at the end of the word, or is followed by 〈m〉, 〈n〉, 〈t〉 and other consonant letters. Examples:
- Mbah —grass
- Kih —namesake
- «Tètsóh ñàh šihtè» —please move it a little
- Poh —mushroom
- Fǣh —measurement
The following are wrong, since 〈h〉 is followed by a vowel letter:
Ŀahà —date
lègnóhó —to bend
pǝ̀hǝ̄ —(adverb) in that direction
Quotation marks
- Opening single quotation mark: ‹
- Closing single quotation mark: ›
- Opening double quotation mark: «
- Closing double quotation mark: »
If something does not work, or you need help or further info:
- The Sound of Mmuock, 2nd ed. isbn: 978-9956-645-28-2
Last updated: September 14, 2021
Copyright (©) Mmuock Language Society